Clarice Gonçalves
Resides in Taguatinga-DF, Brazil
Hypostatic, 2015
Oil on canvas, 80 x 80 x 4cm
Clarice Gonçalves
Clarice Gonçalves is a 36-year-old Black woman and single mother. Her painting comes through bodily perceptions and its senses and transformations. The body is also seen as the mind and as part of the animal kingdom. Socialization, gender roles, sexuality and maternity, the body along with the environment and animality are recurring themes in her research for more than 15 years. “Ultimately, the notion of performance has been infiltrating more and more into the pictoric affair, bringing each one of the cited themes as a performing act that is sometimes socio-cultural, quotidian, about surviving oppression or have spiritual aims, and also, sometimes, all of this at once.”