Corinne May Botz
Resides in Catskill, USA
Milk Factory, 2021
4K Video
Corinne May Botz
Corinne Botz is a visual artist and educator whose practice encompasses photography, writing, and filmmaking. A sustained focus on space, gender, and the body, particularly relating to women’s experiences, is central to her practice. Her published books combining her photography and writing include The Nutshell Studies of Unexplained Death (Monacelli Press, 2004) and Haunted Houses (Monacelli Press, 2010). Her film Milk Factory takes place in the Longworth House of Representatives lactation room at the United States Capitol in Washington, D.C. “…The United States remains the only high-income country in the world that does not offer mandated paid family leave, causing many women to return to work soon after giving birth and contributing to the pervasiveness of pumping in the workplace.”